Lyrick A'tef Habibi (اعطف حبيبي) - Asala Nasri (أصالة نصري)

Original lyric (Arabic)
كلمات :اعطف حبيبي
اعطف حبيبي وتكلم ..
القلب بعدك تألم ..
اسأل علي وسلم ..
سامحني إن شفت ذلة ..
الناس للناس والله والله ..

تعالَ صالح حبيبك ..
واطفي بإيدك لهيبه ..
شفت العذاب بمغيبك ..
يا شمس عمري وظله ..

أقبل علي بزيارة ..
ليروح عمري خسارة ..
آنا بصريح العبارة ..
مشتاقة لك موت والله

Translation In English
Lyric : have mercy my beloved
have mercy my beloved and speak
the heart ,after you,was in pain

ask about me and say hi
forgive me if you see a fault
people are to people i swear of god

come and reconciliate with your beloved
and turn off his flames with your hands
i saw torment in your absence
oh my life's sun and shadow

come to me with a visit
otherwise my life will be waisted
i,in every honnesty of the word
i miss you i swear

a3tef habibi we tekallam
el albe ba3dak te'allam
is'al 3alayya we sallam
same7ni in chefti zalla
ennas lennas wallah wallah

ta3ala sala7 7abibak
wetfi bi idak lahiba
sheft il 3azab bmaghibak
ya shams 3omri we dhella

e9bal 3alayya bziyara
layrouh 3omri khesara
ana bsari7 il 3ibara
mishtaga lak moot wallah
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