Lyric Ala Baly (على بالي) - Sherine Ahmed (شيرين أحمد)

Original lyric (Arabic)
شيرين أحبد - على بالي

حبيتو بينى وبين نفسى
وماقولتش على اللى فى نفسى
ماعرفش اية اللى بيحصللى لما بشوف عنية
مابقتش عارفة اقولو اية
ماعرفش ليه خبيت عليه
بضعف اوى وانا جنبة وبسلم علية

كل حب الدنيا ديا فى قلبى ليك
دانت اغلى الناس عليا وروحى فيك
دانت لو قدام عنيا اشتاق اليك على بالى ولا انت دارى باللى جرالى
والليالى سنين طويلة سيبتهالى

يا انشغالى بكل كلمة قولتهالى
الكلام لو كان يعبر على الحنان
كنت قولت انى بحبك من زمان
كل يوم الشوق بيكبر عليا
بان على بالى ولا ات دارى
باللى جرالى

Translation in English
Sherine Ahmed - On My Mind

I loved him privately
I didn't say what was within me
I don't know what's happening to me when I see his eyes
I no longer knew what to say
I don't know why I hid from him
I'm very weak when I'm beside him
And I submit to him

All the love in this world is in my heart for you
You are the most precious person to me
And my soul is in you
If you are before me my eyes long for you
You're on my mind and you don't know what's happened to me
And the nights are long years to me

Oh my preoccupation with every word you say to me
If the words were indicating some affection
I would say I've loved you for so long
Everyday the desire grows on me
It appeared on my mind and you don't know what's happened to me

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