Lyric Sodfa - Yara / صدفة - يارا

Original Lyric (Arabic)
كلمات صدفة - يارا

صدفه ومن بين كل الناس علقني
من يوم شفته وعيني جات في عينه
حسيت شي في عيونه حيل يجذبني
لما ابتسم بانت بوجهي تلاوينه

سلم عليي وجلس جمبي وكلمني
كل الحواجز تلاشت بيني وبينه
اخذ ايديني بايديه وقام يوصفني
ولا تمنيت ايدي تترك ايدينه

قالي كلام بصراحه حلو دوخني
ماقد سمعت بحلاته اه يازينه
معاه احس الأغاني عنه وعني
واجمل اغاني الغزل شعري وتلحينه

Translae in English
Lyric Sodfa By Yara

A coincidence and among all the people he caught my attention
From the day I saw him, my eyes were locked in his eyes
I felt a trickery in his eyes attract me
When he smiled, his face was so colorful

Come say hello to me and sit beside me and talk to me
All barriers disappeared between me and him
He took my hands in his and he began to describe me
I hoped my hands never let go of his hands

He told me words that were honestly so lovely and made me dizzy
Words I have never heard the likes of them before
When I'm with him I feel as though every love song was written specifically for us
And he composed the most poetically beautiful song

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