Lyric Shfeto Min Baeid (شفتو من بعيد) - Yara (يارا)

English Font
Lyric Sheto Min B3eed - Yara
B 3atm el layali
Wa7di l7ali
W ma 7ada tal mn 2ebali
B eedo w mali 3alhada

Shefto mn b3eed
Mashi wa7eed
Sar b 3aynay
Ye3ti mwa3eed
W basmeh 3a shfaf
2aletlo w2af
7adak masheeni
Wel eed bel eed

Sawa tmashayna
W nazret 3aynayna Mlabake
Shu 7ekyo 3alayna
Wla ehtamayna bel 7aki

Wselna 3al darb
Metwadi gharb
Sar yghazelni
W ye7ki bel7ob
2ali dallou3a
2eltelo ew3a
W saret masmou3a
Da2at elalb

Arabic Font
كلمات شفتو من بعيد - يارا
بعتم الليالي
وحدي لحالي
وماحدا طل من قبالي
بإيدو ومالي عالهدا

شفتو من بعيد
ماشي وحيد
صار بعينيه
يعطي مواعيد
وبسمة ع شفاف
قالتلو وقاف
حدك مشيني
والإيد بالإيد

سوا تمشينا
ونظرة عينينا ملبكة
شو حكيو علينا
ولا اهتمينا بالحكي

وصلنا ع الدرب
متودي غرب
صار يغازلني
ويحكي بالحب
قلي دلوعة
قلتلو أوعة
وصارت مسموعة
دقات القلب

English Translation
Lyric I saw him from afar - Yara
In the darkness of the night
All by myself
And no one came from beside me
With his hand and swayed me on the path

I saw him from afar
Walking alone
He began with his eyes
Giving me appointments/dates
And a smile on the lips
Told him stop
Let me walk with you
Hand in hand

Together we walked
And the gaze in our eyes Are bewildered
What did they say about us
We were not concerned with all [their] talk

We reached the path
[The path] was going/leading west
He began flirting with me
And speaking about love
He called me a tease
I told him careful
And then it was heard
The beating of the hearts

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