Lyric Waheshni Eih - Myriam Fares / واحشني ايه - مريام فارس

English Font
Lyric Waheshni Eih by Myriam Fares
Wa7eshni Eih.. Meen da elly dayba feeh
Ana hamoot 3aleeh.. Wallah ro7y feeh
W ama bashoof 3eneeh.. yedo2 2lby
W akhby leeh wannaby feha eh
Ana elly 7asa beeh bet2ool kalam 3eneeh
Yekoon 3ala 2lby yana ya 2lby
About my heart oh my heart

Feha eh khayef ye2ool
Wana mosh 7a2ool kol elly 7asa ana beeh
3ala ehkol el`3aram
7ata elkalam bayen aho fi 3eneeh
Da 7aneny we sho2y leh
Dayman yezeed min 2ad eh badareeh

Ya gharam ana law 7akeet 3an sho2y leh
Maykafeneesh ayam
W seneen 3omry fi hawah fatet hawa
3adet wala el2a7lam
Ya 7aram bayen 3aleeh dam3et 3eneeh
Bedary a7la gharam

Arabic Font
كلمات واحشني ايه - مريام فارس
واحشني ايه .. من دا الي دايبة فيه
انا ح موت عليه .. والله روحي فيه
لما بشوف عينيه .. يدق قلبي
واخبى ليه والنبي فيها ايه
انا لي حاسة بيه بتقول كلام عينيه
يكون علقني بيه يا نا يا قلبي

فيها ايه خايف يقول
وانا مش ح قول كل اللي حاسة انا بيه
على ايه كل الغرام
حتى الكلام باين اهو في عينيه
دا حنيني وشوقي ليه
دايماً يزيد من ادي ايه بداري

يا غرام انا لو حكيت عن شوقي ليه
ما يكفنيش ايام
وسنين عمري ف هواه فاتت هواه
عدت ولا الاحلام
يا حرام باين عليه بلمعة عينيه
بداري احلى غرام
English Translation
Lyric Waheshni Eih by Myriam Fares
How much I miss you.. Who that I love him
I'll die on him.. I swear by Allah my soul is with him
When I see his eyes.. my heart beats
And why I should hide
I'm just feeling him and his eyes talking words
About my heart oh my heart

What will happen that he afraid to say
And I wouldn't say what I feel
Why all that love
Even the talking appear from his eyes
My yearning and my love just for him
Always increasing for along time I try to hide

Oh love if I tell about my yearning for him
Days aren’t enough
And my years of loving him go fast
It passed like the dreams
Oh shame tears in his eyes appear
Because he’s hiding my love

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