Lyric Hali Hal - Ahmad El Sherif / حالى حال - أحمد الشريف

Original LYric (Arabic)
كلمات حالى حال - أحمد الشريف

حالى حالى حال مالى مالى مال
مالى مالى مال حالى حالى حال

كنا ستة على النبعة اجا المحبوب صرنا سبعة
طلب بوسة ماعطيتوش قلتلو حرام يوم الجمعة

حالى حالى حال مالى مالى مال
مالى مالى مال حالى حالى حال

البلبل مال على غصن الفل اه يا شقيق النعمان
ودى ألاقى محبوبى بين الياسمين و الريحان

Translation in English
Lyric Hali Hal by Ahmad El Sherif

my treasure my treasure treasure,
My condition My condition condition

We used to be six and then the lover came in Spring and we became seven.
She asked for a kiss and I didn't give it to her, I told her it's wrong on a Friday.

my treasure my treasure treasure,
My condition My condition condition

The nightingale sat on the branch of the Arabic jasmines* ohhh turban buttercup*
(they are both types of flowers).
And I shall find my lover between the jasmines and the basil.

Teks Latin
Lyric 7ali 7al by Ahmad El Sherif Ahmad El Sherif

7ali 7ali 7al mali mali mal
Mali mali mal 7ali 7ali 7al

Kena seta 3ala elnab3a eja elma7boob sorna sab3a.
Talab bawseh ma e3taytoush 2eltelou 7araam yawm eljem3a.

7ali 7ali 7al mali mali mal
Mali mali mal 7ali 7ali 7al

Elbolbol mal 3ala ghosn elfol aah ya shaqeeq elno3mani.
Wedi alaagi ma7boubi bayn el yasmeen wel ree7an.
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