Lyrick Makhabi 'Alaya (مخبي عليا) - Arawa (اروى)

Original Lyric (Arabic)
كلمات مخبي عليا - اروى
مخبي عليا ايه قولي
صارحني وقولي ايه جواك
كلام عندك بيوصلي في حاجه بجد انا عارفها
قالولي ان انت هتسيبني قالولي احاول انساك
بحبك بس مش هقدر اعيش نفسي في الاوهام
صبرت كتير ودا صبري مخدتش منك الا كلام
قالولي وشكي عذبني تعبت بجد نفسي انام
واتاري اللي اتحكالي عليه مكنش كلام دا ولا حاجه
سنين ضيعتها باديك وهو العمر فيه حاجه
واتاري اللي اتحكالي عليه مكنش كلام دا ولا حاجه
سنين ضيعتها باديك وهو العمر فيه حاجهi
خلاص كل اللي كان بينا انا اتعودت علي الايام
بحس انا فيها بالغربه بتاخد كل حاجه اوام
عذابي بجد مش بعدك بجد طلعت اي كلام
واتاري اللي اتحكالي عليه مكنش كلام دا ولا حاجه
سنين ضيعتها باديك وهو العمر فيه حاجه

Translation in english
Lyric what are you hiding from me - Arawa
What are you hiding from me ,tell me.
Be sincere and tell me your answer.
Things about you that come to me(i hear about
you) ,there is something i really know.
They tell me that you'll leave me ,they tell me to try to forget you.
I love you but i won't be able to make myself live in illusions.
I've been patient for so long and that's it ,i've had nothing but word to you.
They tell he'll torture you ,i'm tired i really wanna sleep.
And what i've been told hasn't been nothing but words.
I lost years in your hands ,you think the life is long?.
And what i've been told hasn't been nothing but words.
I Lost years in your hands ,you think the life is long?.
What was between us has ended,i got used to the days.
I feel homesikness in it ,it takes all immediatly.
My suffering is not really after you ,you turned out to be nothing.
And what i've been told hasn't been nothing but words.
I Lost years in your hands ,you think the life is long?.

Teks Latin
Lyric Mkhabbi 3layya - Arawa
mkhabbi 3layya eih olli.
sare7ni we olli eih gowwak.
kalam 3annak bi yousaalli fi 7aga bgad ana 3arfaha.
alooli ennak hatsebni alooli a7awel ansak.
ba77ebak bas mosh ha'dar a3eesh nafsi fi awham.
sabert kteer we da sabri makhtesh mennak ella kalam.
alooli we shaka 3azabni t3ebt bgad nefsi anam.
watari elli et7akali 3alih makansh kalam da wala haga.
snin dhayya3taha be'dik we howa el 3omr fih 7aga.
watari elli et7akali 3alih makansh kalam da wala haga.
snin dhayya3taha be'dik we howa el 3omr fih 7aga.
khals elli kan benna ana t3awedt 3ala ayyam.
bahes ana fiha bel ghorba beta5od kol 7aga awam.
3azabi bgad mosh ba3dak bgad tele3t ayyi kalam.
watari elli et7akali 3alih makansh kalam da wala haga.
snin dhayya3taha be'dik we howa el 3omr fih 7aga.
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